The activities of the Observatory consist of:

  • Third Mission to enhance the wealth of multidisciplinary skills, creating new synergies of knowledge, promoting interaction with the world of school, culture, institutions and with society as a whole. These will aim at the enhancement of research and the transfer of technology and knowledge to be achieved through the development of collaborations with public and private authorities, with non-governmental organizations and with representatives of civil society in order to increase the social impact through events, laboratories, study and research activities for the dissemination and scientific awareness;
  • Applied Research through laboratories and workshops and technical cooperation through bilateral scientific and cooperation agreements with public and private authorities and NGOs;
  • Collaboration Networks thanks to ad hoc research projects with the partners Universities: research is one of the principal areas of action of the Observatory, thanks to the coordination and participation in multiple studies at both national and international level;
  • Organization of training activities, seminars and law clinics, both online and in presence, on specific issues in order to raise awareness among local authorities, policy makers on issues of common interest and current trends in the field of JHA;
  • Organization of conferences: in this way, the Observatory creates opportunities for the exchange of perspectives and knowledge between professionals and experts in multiple disciplines in relation to JHA with the aim to involve young people;
  • Publication and dissemination of the activities through the online Journal EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives, as well as carrying out activities of communication, dissemination, awareness-raising, and recognition of good practices;

The dissemination of research results takes place thanks to the close connection with national and foreign research networks.