Rules for submission and peer review


Submission and publication

Contributions should be sent in a .docx or .doc (Microsoft Word) format to in compliance with the following deadlines:

15 December for the first annual issue (publication slated for 31 January of the subsequent year)
15 June for the second annual issue (publication slated for 31 July of the same year)

Each contribution submitted for publication to the Journal must provide:

The author’s contact details, professional qualifications, and affiliation(s);
An abstract in English, or both in the original language and in English of about 10 lines, including at least a translation of the title;
5 keywords in English, or both in the original language and in English.

No publication or processing fees will be charged, as such, the authors are not entitled to exercise any publication rights or copyright.


Peer review

After submission (i.e., 15 December for the winter issue, 15 June for the summer issue), the article will be subjected to an anonymous review by two members of the Reviewing Committee (double-blind peer review) within 30 days.

The outcome of the review will determine whether the article is:
a) not publishable;
b) publishable with substantial changes;
c) publishable with changes;
d) publishable.

The works of Emeritus Professors and retired Full Professors, Judges of international jurisdictions and ambassadors are not subjected to peer-review.