The third module of the EUVALWEB Chair Course also came to a close with a series of stimulating initiatives. The participants studied the evolution undergone by the membership criteria, the characteristics, role and functions of institutions such as the European Council and the Council of the Union.
Then, they met with Professor Ana Nikodinovska, who explained the reasons for the Greek and Bulgarian objections to North Macedonian membership and outlined the history of the Western Balkans. This is an invaluable contribution to the study of the history and tradition of the accession countries.
In addition, they worked on a Workshop, again with the participation of Prof. Nikodinovska, in which they deepened Agenda 2000 and the accession negotiations by answering open questions and proposing questions.
The pictures of the Seminar and Workshop are available here:

Finally, they participated in the presentation of the book by Fabio Spitaleri and Stefano Amadeo, “The Immigration and Asylum Law of the European Union“, asking a series of questions to the two authors present.
The pictures of the book presentation are available here:

Congratulations to all for the excellent work!