Tomorrow, 22 November 2024 at 12:30 PM in Hall 6 DSG UNISA, the EUVALWEB Law Clinic ‘Knowledges‘ will host the Seminar ‘The European Union’s Securitarian Approach to Migration Management: What Are the Repercussions?‘
With presentations by Prof. Teresa Russo (EUVALWEB Chair Holder, UNISA), Prof. Olga Koshevaliska, and Prof. Daniela Koceva (University ‘Goce Delčev’ of Stip, North Macedonia), the scientific event seeks to shed some light on the advantages and disadvantages of the EU’s migration management strategy, with a focus on striking a balance between security and migrant rights.
Should you not have enrolled for the entire EUVALWEB Law Clinic ‘EU Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs: Knowledges’, or you wish to register to this specific event, please follow this link:
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