We had an excellent study and research day!
Professor Teresa Russo‘s initial meeting with Professors Olga Koshevaliska and Daniela Kocheva gave us the opportunity to talk about and consider how to promote our Law clinic programs to provide students with modern, professional training.
Following this, the seminarThe European Union’s Securitarian Approach to Migration Management: What Are the Repercussions?‘ gave us the opportunity to examine the Union’s policies regarding migration and asylum from the standpoint of putting the Union Pact laws into practice, as well as the present and potential consequences of the marginalisation and lack of integration of migrants from a multidisciplinary standpoint.
For the productive and inspiring partnership, we are very grateful to our professors and University ‘Goce Delčev’ of Štip.

Pictures of the day at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1080748680508347&type=3

Tomorrow, 22 November 2024 at 12:30 PM in Hall 6 DSG UNISA, the EUVALWEB Law Clinic ‘Knowledges‘ will host the Seminar ‘The European Union’s Securitarian Approach to Migration Management: What Are the Repercussions?

With presentations by Prof. Teresa Russo (EUVALWEB Chair Holder, UNISA), Prof. Olga Koshevaliska, and Prof. Daniela Koceva (University ‘Goce Delčev’ of Stip, North Macedonia), the scientific event seeks to shed some light on the advantages and disadvantages of the EU’s migration management strategy, with a focus on striking a balance between security and migrant rights.

Should you not have enrolled for the entire EUVALWEB Law Clinic ‘EU Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs: Knowledges’, or you wish to register to this specific event, please follow this link: https://euvalweb.euweb.org/registration/

Higher resolution flyer: https://euvalweb.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/EUVALWEB-2024-11-22-Seminar.pdf


Many thanks!

It was astounding how many people showed up for the EUVALWEB Law Clinic last Thuesday, November 19, 2024!

In fact, there was a warm reception to a wide-ranging and intricate subject like Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs, which was presented and covered throughout the Law Clinic.

A collection of the day’s photos may be found at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1078780724038476&type=3

The following EUVALWEB Law Clinic event is planned for November 22: stay tuned as more info will follow!

Prof. Teresa Russo, Chair Holder of the Jean Monnet EUVALWEB Chair, and Drs. Stefano Busillo and Emanuele Vannata (EUVALWEB Tutors), as well as Dr. Elisabetta Lambiase (Supervisor for the Young Observers of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory), are very pleased to open the Clinic’s lectures by sharing the research they are conducting in the field of investigation of JHA.

Higher resolution flyer: https://euvalweb.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/EUVALWEB-2024-11-19-Seminar.pdf


With great pleasure, we announce the appointments that are planned for our Law Clinic “EU Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs: Knowledges in the November’s Agenda!

Higher resolution: http://euvalweb.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/EUVALWEB-2024-11-Agenda-clinica.pdf


EUVALWEB Jean Monnet Chair in person of the Chair Holder, Prof. Teresa Russo is thrilled to be part of a such important scientific international initiative!

The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, EPOKA University, in partnership with Magna Charta Observatory; the Center for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz, Austria; and the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia, launches the 9th edition of the International Conference on European Studies (ICES’24).

ICES’24 titled ‘EU Integration of Western Balkans: Dynamics and Challenges’ is organized within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module ‘EU Integration of Western Balkans: Patterns and Issues’ (WB-EUPath) coordinated by the Center for European Studies at EPOKA University and co-funded by the European Commission, and is participated by the Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB, in the person of its Chair Holder, as well as Team Chair and Legal Observatory Members.

Make sure you don’t miss it out!

Flyer: http://euvalweb.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/ICES24-Conference-Program.pdf

Today, the EUVALWEB Mission in Albania will be involved at the EPOKA University of Tirana in the launch of “Solidarity and the Rule of Law. The New Dimension of EU Security” (Springer Publisher, Book Series: European Union and its Neighbours in a Globalized World), as the final result of the 2019-2022 Jean Monnet Module “EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs” (EUWEB).

The book is intended to promote a different idea of security through the values of the Union, in particular through a joint reading of the principles of solidarity and respect for the rule of law.


We are pleased to announce EUVALWEB Mission in Tirana and Dures for 11-13 November 2024!

During this week, EUVALWEB Chair Holder, Prof. Teresa Russo, and EUVALWEB Young Observers’ Supevisor, Dr. Elisabetta Lambiase, will attend a series of scientific event as part of a mission of the Chair in Albania.

The occasion will see also the attendance of Dr. Lorenzo Salazar, Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair, and Dr Fulvio Baldi, Member of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory, as special guests of the mission, sharing their experience and expertise to further the relations between Italy and Albania with respect to judicial cooperation.


We wish to praise the University of Criminal and Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade for convening a succesful and stimulating event that was the Archibald Reiss Days of 7 November, where Prof. Russo (EUVALWEB Chair Holder) discussed the current and future methodolofy in combating transnational crime.

In particular, we wish to thank Prof. Ivana Bodrožić for the warm welcome and the opportunity of being part of such prestigious occasion, desiring to further our cooperation even more in the future.

Media coverage by the University of Criminal and Investigation and Police Studies: https://www.kpu.edu.rs/cms/akademija/izdvajamo/vesti/9855-svecano-otvorena-xiv-medjunarodna-naucna-konferencija-dani-arcibalda-rajsa

Pictures of the day available at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1070737661509449&type=3

We are glad to announce the participation of EUVALWEB Chair Holder, Prof. Teresa Russo, to the XIV International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days convened for 7-8 November 2024, by the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade, with the support of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, and in cooperation with a number of universities from Europe.

True to the University of Criminal and Investigation and Police Studies’ specialization areas, this 2024 edition is set to focus on “Investigating and Proving Contemporary Forms of Crime: Scientific Approaches” hence on the the etiology, phenomenology and trends of contemporary crime, as well as the contemporary challenges in detecting and proving crime and the natural and applied sciences in forensics, cybercrime and security

Precisely, Prof. Russo will hold a speech on “Seeking a Methodological Approach to Combat Transnational Crime: A Look at Research Carried Out in the Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB” during the Plenary Session, as a forum moderated by Prof. Ivana Bodrožić, Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair.

EUVALWEB is honored by this opportunity, stressing with satisfaction the remarkable results so far ensued from the ongoing cooperation with the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade.

Need more info? Check https://eskup.kpu.edu.rs/dar