On Thursday 28 November 2024, starting at 11:30 AM, at the Cilento Hall, University of Salerno¸ the Conference of the EUVALWEB Law Clinic ‘EU Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs: Knowledges dedicated to ‘Cyberspace Facing the Challenges of Security and Artificial Intelligencewill be held.  After the institutional greetings, the Conference will be introduced and chaired by Prof. Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of EU Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno, EUVALWEB Chair Holder) and by Prof. Rossana Palladino (Associate Professor of EU Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno, Scientific Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EU-Draw). This will be followed by the speech of the keynote speaker Dr. Rosaria Romano (Director of the 2nd Division of the Postal Police and Cyber Security Service in Rome), which will be discussed by Gaspare Dalia (Research Fellow in Criminology and Investigative Techniques, Department of Business Sciences, Management & Innovation System, University of Salerno) and Nicola Palladino (Research Fellow in International Law, Cybersecurity and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Department of Business Sciences, Management & Innovation System, University of Salerno), also with the participation of students from the International Organisation and International Law, Cybersecurity and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence courses.

For further information please address the flyer: https://euvalweb.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/DEF.-EUVALWEB-2024-11-28-Seminar.pdf