The following events will be held within the Jean Monnet Chair “Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement, EU Values and the Western Balkans’ Accession” (EUVALWEB) (Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Teresa Russo, Associate Professor of EU Law at the Department of Legal Sciences – DSG UNISA). The seminars will be open for discussion with the participants. For further information, please refer to the respective flyers.

24 May 2024
On May 24, 2024, starting at 10:30 a.m., at the “Scarano” Hall, DSG UNISA, will take place the Conference of the EU Legal Clinic Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs: Insights on “Comparing Perspectives on the Fight Against Corruption under International, European and National Law”. The Conference, introduced and chaired by Prof. Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of European Union Law, DSG UNISA, Holder of the EUVALWEB Chair), will be animated by the reports of Prof. Erjon Hitaj (Lecturer in International Law, Director of the Department of Law, “Ismail Qemali” University of Vlore – Albania, Member of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory), Prof. Nikola Šaranović (Lecturer in Public International Law and Fundamentals of European Union Law, Faculty of Legal Sciences and Humanities, University of Donja Gorica, Podgorica – Montenegro, Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair) and Prof. Svetoslav Spassov (Associate and Director of the Nuclear Security Support Center, Department of National and Regional Security, University of National and World Economy, Sofia – Bulgaria)

LINK to the flyer

27 May 2024
On 27 May 2024, starting at 10:30 a.m., the EUVALWEB Chair Course Seminar on “The European Public Prosecutor’s Office: Open Questions (EPPO)£ will take place in Hall 4 of DSG UNISA. The Seminar, also introduced by Prof. Teresa Russo, will be chaired by Prof. Luigi Kalb (Full Professor of Criminal Procedure, DSG UNISA) and will have as its main speaker Dr. Lorenzo Salazar (Deputy General Prosecutor at the Court of Appeal of Naples, Contact Point of the European Judicial Network and National Correspondent of Eurojust, as well as Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair). This will be followed by the scheduled speech of Dr. Luigi Palmieri (Adjunct Professor of Criminal Procedure, DSG UNISA).

LINK to the flyer