EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives, Issue 1/2025 is out (and completely free)!
This is a Special Issue on the Concluding conference of the second Jean Monnet EUVALWEB Chair, hosted by Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research of Belgrade (Serbia) on 30 May 2024, and co-organized also by the Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno, the Institute of Comparative Law of Belgrade, and the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade.
The purpose of the conference on “Promoting Public Awareness on the Fight Against Transnational Crimes, the Role of Police and Judicial Cooperation and Respect for Fundamental Rights in the Prospect of the EU Enlargement,” which included prominent speakers from the academic, diplomatic, and professional worlds as well as civil society and the general public from Italy and the Western Balkans, was to provide a forum for discussion on the process of joining the Union and the major reforms put in place in the Western Balkan countries, as well as in the Union for its future.
The Special issue, introduced by the Editorial of Marina Matić Bošković & Jelena Kostić and by the Preface of Teresa Russo, features:
– Essays by Ivana P. Bodrožić, Olga Koshevaliska & Elena Maksimova, Heliona Miço Bellani & Bojana Hajdini, Aleksandar Mihajlović, Darko Simović & Radomir Zekavica
– Focus by Aleksandra Ilić, Miomira Kostić
– Comments by Gaetano Calcagno, Benedetta Minucci, Rosita Silvestre, Elena Trajkovska
Go and check it out at the following LINK:
European Union in European and International Chaos: What Future for a Supranational Organisation? – 17 March 2025
On Monday 17 March 2025, starting at 10:30 a.m., in Hall 5 of the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Salerno, the Seminar of the Jean Monnet Chair ‘EUVALWEB – Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement Policy, EU Values and the Western Balkans’ Accession‘ will take place, dedicated to the European Union in European and International Chaos: What Future for a Supranational Organisation?
Introduced by Prof. Francesco Buonomenna (Associate Professor of European Union Law, DSG, Unisa) and Prof. Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of European Union Law, DSG, Unisa, Holder of the EUVALWEB Chair), the seminar will be held with the participation of Prof. Lorenzo Federico Pace (Associate Professor of European Union Law, Department of Economics, University of Molise), also author of the volume Introduction to European Union Law – Nature and Legal System, 2nd edition, Milan, Wolters Kluwer, 2025, which will be presented on the occasion.
The conclusions will be entrusted to Prof. Angela Di Stasi (Full Professor of International and European Union Law, DSG, Unisa and Director of the ‘Freedom, Security & Justice’ Observatory).
For further information, please refer to the attached flyer: LINK
3rd Edition Chair Course’s Inaugural Lecture – 3 March 2025
We are very delighted to have started the Third Edition of the Chair Course on ‘European Integration and Enlargement: Treaties, Sources, Values and Models‘ organised within the Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB. Many scientific activities will actively involve our students.
Stay connected: more new contents soon!
Reinforceu’s “III Interuniversitary Seminar on the European Union” – 12 March & 15 May 2025
We would like to bring your attention towards the “III Interuniversitary Seminar on the European Union“, organized by the prestigious Jean Monnet Chair “Strengthening the European Union by reinforcing its values” (ReinforcEU) – with Prof. Elena Crespo Navarro as Chair Holder – as part of the Specialized Seminars of the Ph.D. Program in Social and Legal Sciences of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (Spain) and co-funded by the European Union.
ReinforcEU convened a first session of the Seminar on 12 March 2025 at the University of Elche, that will be also streamed online via Google Meet. The Seminar is open to the participation of Ph.D. students from both Spanish and international universities and the Candidates may submit papers that are related to the central theme of the seminar “The Values of the European Union”, including papers that may deal with how these values have been transferred to other regional areas.
As member of the Scientific Committee for the Seminar, EUVALWEB Chair Holder – Prof. Teresa Russo – is delighted to support the initiative and commends its organization.
EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives, Issue 1/2025 is out (and completely free)!
This is a Special Issue on the Concluding conference of the second Jean Monnet EUVALWEB Chair, hosted by Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research of Belgrade (Serbia) on 30 May 2024, and co-organized also by the Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno, the Institute of Comparative Law of Belgrade, and the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade.
The purpose of the conference on “Promoting Public Awareness on the Fight Against Transnational Crimes, the Role of Police and Judicial Cooperation and Respect for Fundamental Rights in the Prospect of the EU Enlargement,” which included prominent speakers from the academic, diplomatic, and professional worlds as well as civil society and the general public from Italy and the Western Balkans, was to provide a forum for discussion on the process of joining the Union and the major reforms put in place in the Western Balkan countries, as well as in the Union for its future.
The Special issue, introduced by the Editorial of Marina Matić Bošković & Jelena Kostić and by the Preface of Teresa Russo, features:
– Essays by Ivana P. Bodrožić, Olga Koshevaliska & Elena Maksimova, Heliona Miço Bellani & Bojana Hajdini, Aleksandar Mihajlović, Darko Simović & Radomir Zekavica
– Focus by Aleksandra Ilić, Miomira Kostić
– Comments by Gaetano Calcagno, Benedetta Minucci, Rosita Silvestre, Elena Trajkovska
Go and check it out at the following LINK:
Season’s Greetings! – 23 December 2024
The EUVALWEB Chair Holder and Staff wish you a peaceful holiday season!
Pictures of the day – 3 December 2024
Under the direction of Prof. Teresa Russo, EUVALWEB Chair Holder, the tutors Dr. Stefano Busillo and Dr. Emanuele Vannata, and the Supervisor for the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory Young Observers, Dr. Elisabetta Lambiase, we are really happy with the work that our students have done in the workshop ‘The EU in Its International Institutional Relationships‘.
Their dedication and zeal yielded some outstanding outcomes, which we will shortly post on our website under the open resources section.
Keep an eye out!
Meanwhile, a few images from the day:
Workshop ‘The EU in Its International Institutional Relationships’ – 3 December 2024
EUVALWEB presents its third workshop, convened for December 3, 2024, at the University of Salerno, ‘Volterra’ Hall, 8:30 AM.
Workshops are a key activity of the EUVALWEB Chair, serving as both a practical application of the knowledge students have gained and a crucial testing ground for them. Following the training exercises conducted as part of the Department of Legal Sciences’ (UNISA) International Organisation course, and with the assistance of Prof. Teresa Russo, the EUVALWEB Chair Holder, the students will be asked to describe the relationship between a few international organisations and the European Union in their scientific research.
A higher-resolution flyer can be found at:
Pictures of the day – 28 November 2024
The topicality of the subjects and the need to increase everyone’s knowledge of cyber security concerns, personal safety, and the numerous consequences of AI garnered a lot of interest and audience engagement at yesterday’s conference on ‘Cyberspace Facing the Challenges of Security and Artificial Intelligence’.
We are grateful to Dr. Romano for her extensive knowledge and expertise in the sector.
Pictures of the day:
Cyberspace Facing the Challenges of Security and Artificial Intelligence – 28 November 2024
On Thursday 28 November 2024, starting at 11:30 AM, at the Cilento Hall, University of Salerno¸ the Conference of the EUVALWEB Law Clinic ‘EU Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs: Knowledges’ dedicated to ‘Cyberspace Facing the Challenges of Security and Artificial Intelligence‘ will be held. After the institutional greetings, the Conference will be introduced and chaired by Prof. Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of EU Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno, EUVALWEB Chair Holder) and by Prof. Rossana Palladino (Associate Professor of EU Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno, Scientific Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EU-Draw). This will be followed by the speech of the keynote speaker Dr. Rosaria Romano (Director of the 2nd Division of the Postal Police and Cyber Security Service in Rome), which will be discussed by Gaspare Dalia (Research Fellow in Criminology and Investigative Techniques, Department of Business Sciences, Management & Innovation System, University of Salerno) and Nicola Palladino (Research Fellow in International Law, Cybersecurity and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Department of Business Sciences, Management & Innovation System, University of Salerno), also with the participation of students from the International Organisation and International Law, Cybersecurity and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence courses.
For further information please address the flyer:
Pictures of the day – 26 November 2024
The seminar on ‘Criminal Judicial Cooperation and Cross-Border Investigations’ provided a theoretical and practical forum for discussing the primary tools established by the EU in this field, which have clear implications for national criminal justice and criminal trial systems.
We are grateful to Dr. Simone Di Monte for sharing her professional expertise with us.
Pictures of the days are available at: