We wish to praise the University of Criminal and Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade for convening a succesful and stimulating event that was the Archibald Reiss Days of 7 November, where Prof. Russo (EUVALWEB Chair Holder) discussed the current and future methodolofy in combating transnational crime.

In particular, we wish to thank Prof. Ivana Bodrožić for the warm welcome and the opportunity of being part of such prestigious occasion, desiring to further our cooperation even more in the future.

Media coverage by the University of Criminal and Investigation and Police Studies: https://www.kpu.edu.rs/cms/akademija/izdvajamo/vesti/9855-svecano-otvorena-xiv-medjunarodna-naucna-konferencija-dani-arcibalda-rajsa

Pictures of the day available at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1070737661509449&type=3