Entries by Teresa Russo


Pictures of the day – 27 November 2023

Today’s seminar offered its participants a very interesting cross-section of international regionalism, starting from the African and Asian areas, thanks to the remarks of Prof. Piero Pennetta, to the Latin American area through the lens of the Romanist Prof. Orisel Hernández Aguilar and of the international law lawyer, Achille Bianchi, in relation with the European […]


Pictures of the day – 21 November 2023

Another great response from the audience! We are more than happy with the outcome of last Tuesday’s seminar, jointly organized by the JM Chair EUVALWEB and the JM Modules EU-DRAW and DECDP. Offering insights and critics on the relationship between judicial cooperation, IAs and cybersecurity with the human rights, as a sensitive topic, was not […]


Pictures of the day – 17 November 2023

Thank you again! We are extremely pleased with the outcome of the Law Clinic last Friday, 17 November 2023, on the practical topic of EU Agencies. In particular, the Clinic not only tried to frame these agencies, but also illustrated some of the main issues that have characterised them over the years. The photo album […]


EUVALWEB’s delegation to Serbia – 13-16 November 2023

The Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB delegation to Serbia, present in Belgrade from 13 to 16 November 2023, thanks every institution involved for the warm reception and hospitality. Indeed, it was a fruitful and stimulating journey where the Chair conducted scientific activities, as well as a series of meetings to seal partnership agreements with historical institutes […]


Jean Monnet Joint Seminar ‘Some Reflections on Judicial Cooperation, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence: The Implications for Human Rights’ – 21 November 2023

On Tuesday 21 November 2023, starting at 3.00 P.M., in Hall 5 of the UNISA Department of Legal Sciences, the Seminar ‘Some Reflections on Judicial Cooperation, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence: The Implications for Human Rights‘ will take place. The event will be introduced by Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of EU Law) and Rossana Palladino (Associate […]


Pictures of the Day – 10 November 2023

Thank you so much! The amount of participants to the Law Clinic of last Friday, 10 November 2023, was great! Indeed, it was an enthusiastic response for a broad and complex topic such as Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs, introduced and discussed during the Law Clinic. An album of the pictures of the day […]


The Features of EU Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs (JHA): Evolution and Current Legal Framework – 10 November 2023

The Law Clinic EU Cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs: Knowledges aims to be an in-depth course aimed at acquiring basic knowledge of the current European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice with a technical-practical approach on: the origins of cooperation and its evolution up to its formalisation in the Treaties; the different forms of […]