With great excitement, the first module of the EUVALWEB Chair’s Course, second edition, has finished.

By comprehending the relationship between enlargement and deepening as two distinct expressions of integration, the participating students—both Italian and Erasmus students—deepened their grasp of the history of European integration and its current state.
The students were also requested to provide their personal opinions on the political, legal, and geographical boundaries of the Union’s integration and enlargement process during the workshop intended to wrap up Module 1, including their advantages and disadvantages as well as their sustainability.

Additionally, we are grateful to Leonardo Pasquali, a member of the teaching staff at the EUVALWEB Chair and full professor of international law at the University of Pisa, for his invaluable scientific contribution to the first module with his lecture on “Upholding and Promoting EU Values in International Agreements” and Prof. Francesco Buonomenna, Member of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory and Associate Professor of European Union Law, DSG UNISA, with whom the event is co-organized (Chairs of European Union Law, DSG UNISA, and of Institutions of European Union Law, DISPC UNISA).

Check out the photo galleries:

Workshop, 2 May 2024: LINK 

Seminar, 3 May 2024: LINK