Thank you again!

We are extremely pleased with the outcome of the Law Clinic last Friday, 17 November 2023, on the practical topic of EU Agencies.

In particular, the Clinic not only tried to frame these agencies, but also illustrated some of the main issues that have characterised them over the years.

The photo album of the day is available at this LINK.

The Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB delegation to Serbia, present in Belgrade from 13 to 16 November 2023, thanks every institution involved for the warm reception and hospitality. Indeed, it was a fruitful and stimulating journey where the Chair conducted scientific activities, as well as a series of meetings to seal partnership agreements with historical institutes located in the Serbian capital as well as to consolidate the existing ones.

In particular, in the morning of 13 November, the delegation was guests at the Institute of Sociological and Criminological Research of Belgrade in order to seal a partnership agreement with the host institution as well as to plan further scientific initiatives in Spring 2024 in the premises of the Institute. Additionally, the Chair Holder, Prof. Teresa Russo, later held a lecture on the “International and European Cooperation in Criminal Justice” in presence of students, academics and practitioners. The Chair Holder wishes to show its utmost appreciation towards Prof. Marina Matić-Bošković, along with the other exquisite hosts, for their commendable efforts to make all of this happen! (ISCR News)

On the very same afternoon, the EUVALWEB Chair Holder, Prof. Teresa Russo, enjoyed also the opportunity to have a bilateral meeting with the Italian Ambassador in Serbia, H.E. Dr. Luca Gori whom the Chair greatly thanks – in order to discuss about the Serbian accession to the Union and to explore any potential involvement of the Italian Embassy in the future activities of the Chair.

The next day, in the morning of 14 November, the delegation was earnestly greeted at the Institute of Comparative Law of Belgrade to exchange the precious partnership agreement already concluded. The Chair also secured the participation of the ICL to the organisation and management of the further scientific initiatives to be held in Belgrade. For their outstanding support and the warmest welcome given during these days, the Chair Holder gives a huge shout-out to Prof. Jelena Kostić as well as the representatives of the Institute! (ICL News)

In the afternoon, the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, which has been a partner of EUVALWEB since 2021, received the Chair’s delegation in order to define an even better framework within the partnership and also to join the other institutions in setting up the scientific initiatives of Spring 2024. EUVALWEB feels deeply grateful towards Prof. Ivana Bodrožić for the willingness to have us there! (UCIPS News)

Conclusively, in the evening of the 14 November, the Chair was present at the gala convened at the Italian Embassy where the occasion made possible to get acquainted with other stakeholders and practitioners to be involved in the Chair’s activity in the upcoming scientific initiatives.

An album of the pictures of these days is available at this LINK!

On Tuesday 21 November 2023, starting at 3.00 P.M., in Hall 5 of the UNISA Department of Legal Sciences, the Seminar ‘Some Reflections on Judicial Cooperation, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence: The Implications for Human Rights‘ will take place.

The event will be introduced by Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of EU Law) and Rossana Palladino (Associate Professor of EU Law) and will continue with the speeches of Giovanni Sciancalepore (Full Professor of Private Comparative Law), Prof. Carla Cosentino (Assistant Professor of Private Comparative Law) and Giovanni Maria Riccio (Full Professor of Private Comparative Law).

The Seminar is the result of a joint scientific initiative by the Jean Monnet Chair ‘EUVALWEB’ (Prof. Teresa Russo as Chair Holder), the Jean Monnet Module ‘EUDRAW’ (Prof. Rossana Palladino as Coordinator) and the Jean Monnet Module ‘DECDP’ (Prof. Giovanni Sciancalepore as Coordinator).


We would like to bring your attention towards “The Interuniversitary Seminar on the European Union“, organized by the prestigious Jean Monnet Chair Strengthening the European Union by reinforcing its values (ReinforcEU), as part of the Specialized Seminars of the Ph.D. Program in Social and Legal Sciences of the Miguel Hernández University and funded by the European Union.

The Chair has ReinforcEU indeed convened a open call for those interested to take part to the aforementioned Seminar, targeting Ph.D students in particular. The event will take place in late-November 2023 as well as May 2024 and will cover the tematic axes of “The Values of the European Union“.

In particular, Prof. Teresa Russo, EUVALWEB Chair Holder, stands as a Member of the Scientific Committee of such scientific initiative.

For further info regarding deadlines, contacts, submissions and the object of the Seminar, please consult the following document:


The Law Clinic EU Cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs: Knowledge will host its second lecture entitled “The Role of the EU Agencies in the Justice and Home Affairs Area”, held by Prof. Teresa Russo, EUVALWEB Chair Holder, on 17 November 2023 in Hall 1 of the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Salerno – from 2.30 P.M. onward.


A focus on  “The European Public Prosecutor’ Office (EPPO): A Step Forward (Judicial) Integration in the EU” discussed by Dr. Emanuele Vannata, EUVALWEB Tutor, and an open debate with participants are also scheduled for the event.


High resolution flyer:


Make sure to not miss it! Register for the lecture at

Thank you so much!

The amount of participants to the Law Clinic of last Friday, 10 November 2023, was great!

Indeed, it was an enthusiastic response for a broad and complex topic such as Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs, introduced and discussed during the Law Clinic.

An album of the pictures of the day is available at this LINK.

The next Law Clinic activity is scheduled for the upcoming 17 November: stay tuned as more info will follow!

The Law Clinic EU Cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs: Knowledges aims to be an in-depth course aimed at acquiring basic knowledge of the current European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice with a technical-practical approach on: the origins of cooperation and its evolution up to its formalisation in the Treaties; the different forms of integration and cooperation; regulatory instruments and the role of agencies in the context of current transnational relationships; border control, asylum and immigration policies; judicial cooperation in criminal matters and police cooperation.

To this end, we are pleased to announce the first lecture entitled “The Features of EU Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs (JHA): Evolution and Current Legal Framework” that will be held by Prof. Teresa Russo, EUVALWEB Chair Holder on 10 November 2023 in Room 1 of the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Salerno, from 2.30 P.M. onward.

There will be a focus on Judicial Cooperation Tools in the EU by Dr. Stefano Busillo, EUVALWEB Tutor and an open debate with participants.

High resolution flyer HERE!

Stay tuned and register for the lecture!


Big news!

Professor Teresa Russo is pleased to announce that the DRAFT Program for the second edition of the Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB is out!

In the document, available in both English and Italian, you may find information on the Second edition’s objectives, activities and more.



Stay tuned to find out about our incredible initiatives for this second edition, which has many novelties in store!

We’d like to bring to your attention the call for special-issue’s proposals of the journal “EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives” (

The submitted proposals should concern “Promoting Public Awareness on the Fight Against Transnational Crimes, the Role of Police and Judicial Cooperation and Respect for Fundamental Rights“.

Any proposal must consist o a two-to-three-pages document outlining the intended working schedule. Submissions shall be emailed as a single .pdf to “, indicating in the subject heading “Proposal for the EUWEB Special Issue”.

Please note that all manuscripts of the call must undergo a regular peer-review process.

Hence, the deadline overview is the following:

∎ Deadline for the submission of proposals: 31 October 2023;
∎ Validation of accepted proposals: 13 November 2023;
∎ Full article submission (i.e. ready for publication): 15 December 2023;
∎ Publication (after a double peer-review process): 31 January 2024.

You are all invited to answer the call!

After a sealed scientific agreement between the University of Salerno and the Institute of Comparative Law of Belgrade, we are delighted to include the Serbian institution among our partners.

EUVALWEB takes pride in the upcoming involvement of the Institute of Comparative Law of Belgrade in its own activities – the Institute indeed boasts a long and renown history of studies, being one of the oldest institutions for comparative law research in the world (!) and having a specialized library of more than 24,000 titles.

EUVALWEB Chair Holder, Prof. Teresa Russo and the Chair’s entire staff are looking forward to working with our new partner in the near future!