During this week, the Albanian professors will be associated with all the activities of the Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB and the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory, sharing their experience and expertise in promoting the study of European Union law.
The first meeting to be held on 17 July will welcome the professors and will aim at promoting cultural exchanges between Italy and Albania through a guided tour of the territory of Salerno, its monuments and activities, in order to explore contextual opportunities for professional training.
A second appointment, scheduled for 18 July 2023 at 3.00 p.m., at the Alfonso Catania Lecture Hall, DSG UNISA, will concern the defence of the dissertation by the Albanian students Andrea Kokomeci and Egla Leci, in Erasmus mobility at the DSG, UNISA, with a commission composed for the first time of Albanian and Italian professors. The degree examination will then be recognised by the Department of Law of the EPOKA University of Tirana, Albania.
The third appointment, scheduled for 19 July, at 10.30 a.m. in the Alfonso Catania Lecture Hall, DSG UNISA, will be a seminar entitled Enhancing New Interdisciplinary Perspectives of EU Law with the participation, together with the Albanian professors, of Prof. Giovanni Sciancalepore (Director DSG, UNISA), Francesco Fasolino (President of the Teaching Council, DSG, UNISA), Giuseppe Fauceglia (Professor of Commercial Law, DSG, UNISA), Lucia Di Cintio (Associate Professor of History of Roman Law, DSG, UNISA). Also, on 19 July at 3.00 p.m. in the Catania Lecture Hall, a roundtable debate on the different (and controversial) aspects of the EU Enlargement, will take place, moderated by Prof. Teresa Russo, Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB, with the participation of Gaspare Dalia (Lecturer of Comparative Criminal Procedural Law, DSG, UNISA) of the tutors of the EUVALWEB Chair, Dott. Stefano Busillo and Emanuele Vannata, some members of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory Young Observers, Lisa Lambiase, Romano Maria Carabotta and Sara Chiariello, as well as Albanian students Egla Leci, Andrea Kokomeci and UNISA DSG graduate Angela Stoia.
Finally, on 20 July at 10.30 a.m., the meeting with the Staff of the Erasmus and International Relations Office of the University of Salerno will allow us to continue the discussion on the strategies that are being promoted in Albania in order to strengthen teaching by including EU law in all disciplines. The aim is to promote and strengthen the reciprocity of exchanges of teachers and students within the International Credit Mobility Programme.
We are really proud of all the planned activities and we are looking forward to having Albanian Professors at our Department.
Stay tuned for all our updates!