We are more than delighted to introduce to you the Jean Monnet Chair “Promoting public awareness of enlargement policy, EU values and the accession of the Western Balkans” (EUVALWEB)!
Proud of what has been achieved in the past years, we thought that the Chair would take over the activities and research of the Jean Monnet Module EUWEB, while expanding the topics covered and always ensuring a multidisciplinary approach.
In fact, the Chair focuses on the evolution of the EU enlargement policy and its implications in the construction of the EU identity based on its founding values, as well as on the EU strategy towards the Western Balkans, particularly in the field of cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs (JHA).
EUVALWEB activities will be organised in a main course on Enlargement Policy, EU values and Integration of the Western Balkans; a law clinic on EU Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs and a cycle of two international conferences.
Be sure to take note, you don’t want to miss them!
#EUVALWEB #Eu #WesternBalkans #EUValues