We are glad to announce the participation of EUVALWEB Chair Holder, Prof. Teresa Russo, to the XIV International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days convened for 7-8 November 2024, by the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade, with the support of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, and in cooperation with a number of universities from Europe.

True to the University of Criminal and Investigation and Police Studies’ specialization areas, this 2024 edition is set to focus on “Investigating and Proving Contemporary Forms of Crime: Scientific Approaches” hence on the the etiology, phenomenology and trends of contemporary crime, as well as the contemporary challenges in detecting and proving crime and the natural and applied sciences in forensics, cybercrime and security

Precisely, Prof. Russo will hold a speech on “Seeking a Methodological Approach to Combat Transnational Crime: A Look at Research Carried Out in the Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB” during the Plenary Session, as a forum moderated by Prof. Ivana Bodrožić, Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair.

EUVALWEB is honored by this opportunity, stressing with satisfaction the remarkable results so far ensued from the ongoing cooperation with the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade.

Need more info? Check https://eskup.kpu.edu.rs/dar 

Fantastic news! At the intergovernmental session of 15 October 2024, Albania began the first of five negotiation chapters of the Cluster 1 with the European Union

We are thrilled with this initial step and eager for the EU enlargement process to continue!

Our seminar on “Cyber Security Trends and Legal Issues in International and European Law” left us feeling really happy.

The relevance of international and European law to cyberspace, as well as cybersecurity challenges, piqued the interest of students enrolled in the International Law, Cyber Security and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and International Organisation courses.

These are a few photos from our lecture: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1046716153911600&type=3

We are pleased to resume the Jean Monnet EUVALWEB Chair’s activities, now in its third year, with a seminar on ‘Cyber Security Trends and Legal Issues in International and European Law on Friday, October 4, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. at the University of Salerno, Department of Management & Innovation Systems, Council Chamber.

Our seminar guests will be Prof. Annita Larissa Sciacovelli (University ‘Aldo Moro’ of Bari) and Annachiara Rotondo (University ‘Federico II’ of Naples). The scientific event is organised by EUVALWEB, with Prof. Teresa Russo as Chair Holder, in collaboration with the Jean Monnet Module EU-DRAW.

Do not miss it!


We are pleased to kick off the third edition of the Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB with the announcement of a new partnership with the Faculty of National Security, Law and International Relationships of the  State University (Ukraine).
We find even greater significance in this collaboration in light of Ukraine’s EU accession process. As a result, we think that this collaboration will be essential to maintaining and advancing the EUVALWEB Chair goals of increasing awareness and understanding of EU law.

EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives, Issue 2/2024 is out (and completely free)!

The current issue, introduced by the Editorial of Jasmina Dimitrieva and closed by an Afterword of Teresa Russo features:

– essays by Ilina Cenevska, Marieta Safta, Roze Surlovska;
– a focus on judicial cooperation in criminal matters by Fulvio Baldi, Alessandro Di Vico;
conferences speeches by Francesca Iervolino, Luigi Palmieri.

Go and check it out at the following link: https://www.euweb.org/euweb-legal-essays-2-2024/

With great pleasure, we are able to wrap up the second edition of the Jean Monnet Chair “Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement, EU Values and the Western Balkans’ Accession” (EUVALWEB) with a SPECIAL EVENT, presented in association with the Postal Police and the Department of Legal Sciences, Unisa.

The socio-cultural initiative “CINEMA E DIRITTO” (CINEMA AND LAW), which is open to the public and has the support of numerous associations and civil society (Arechi Rugby, A.S.D. Dai-mi Dojo Salerno, ASL Salerno, Associazione Sportello Rosa, Coordinamento Provinciale Giovani, Fondazione Madre Teresa di Calcutta Montecorvino Rovella, Lions Club Salerno Centro, Premio Fabula, Rotaract Salerno, Rotaract Salerno Duomo, Smile Camp) and the contribution of the BCC Campania Centro Cassa Rurale Artigiana, will take place on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, at the Sala Blu of the Giffoni Multimedia Valley at 7:45 p.m. as part of the program of the fifty-fourth edition of the Giffoni Film Festival 2024.

The SPECIAL EVENT’s goal is to present additional initiatives, which will be further detailed in a protocol currently being drafted, to raise awareness among young people of the proper use of social media, crime prevention, and knowledge of the law.

The documentary “A voce nuda” by Mattia Lobosco will open the event, which will be hosted by Dr. Elena Scisci of the Giffoni Film Festival’s Artistic Direction. Dr. Giancarlo Conticchio (Salerno Police Commissioner), Prof. Francesco Fasolino (Head of the Department of Legal Sciences, Unisa), Dr. Pietro Rinaldi (President of the Giffoni Film Festival), Dr. Jacopo Gubitosi (General Director of the Festival), Dr. Barbara Strappato (First Executive of the State Police), Prof. Teresa Russo (EUVALWEB Chair Holder, Department of Legal Sciences, Unisa), and Dr. Alessandro Di Vico (Delegate National Association Magistrate), will then animate the debate.

A performance by the musical group Neri per Caso will round off the event.

Please refer to the flyer that is attached for more details.


This monograph aims to provide an overview of the European Union’s enlargement policy and how it has affected its membership.

It is the product of scientific research conducted within the Jean Monnet Module ‘EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs’ (EUWEB, 2019–2022) and the Jean Monnet Chair ‘Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement Policy, EU Values and the Western Balkans’ Accession’ (EUVALWEB, 2022–2025).

The work analyzes the systematic role of enlargement policy in the legal order of the Union (Chapter I), after which it looks at the regulatory bases and application practices that have helped to identify the conditions of membership (Chapter II). The work begins with the various accession processes, which explain the motivations behind this research (Introduction). However, the latter draws attention to a difference between pre- and post-enlargement that the Court of Justice similarly denounced, demanding adherence to Article 2 TEU as the cornerstone of the Union’s and its members’ identity (Chapter III). In conclusion, the book evaluates potential enlargement options that combine treaty reform and accession, based on suggestions made by some European institutions and Member States (Chapter IV).

Find out more at: https://www.ibs.it/allargamento-membership-dell-unione-europea-libro-teresa-russo/e/9791259769503

A first intergovernmental conference at ministerial level was conducted by the EU on June 25, 2024, to begin membership negotiations with Moldova and Ukraine.
The Council approved the Negotiating Framework for the discussions with Ukraine and Moldova on June 21, 2023, in accordance with the revised enlargement methodology. This comes after the European Council decided to begin accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova on December 14–15, 2023.

Another success of the second edition of the EUVALWEB Jean Monnet Chair was the second final conference. With H.E. Ambassador Ferdinando Nelli Feroci and Prof. Ana Nikodinovska Krstevska, the Chair Course trainees presented and talked about their work. The EUVALWEB Legal Observatory’s Young Observers also gave a presentation on their scientific and research endeavors.

To take a look at the pictures of the day: LINK 

Also, we will release the outcomes in our online Journal EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives (Prof. Teresa Russo as Editor-in-Chief), so stay tuned.