On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, starting at 9:45 a.m., in Hall 6 DSG UNISA, the 2nd Conclusive Conference of the Jean Monnet EUVALWEB Chair dedicated to “Understanding European Union’s Future through Enlargement” will take place.
After the institutional greetings of the Rector Vincenzo Loia, Prof. Francesco Fasolino (Director of DSG UNISA), Prof. Giuseppe D’Angelo (President of the Didactic Council DSG UNISA) and Prof. Angela Di Stasi (Director of the FSJ Observatory, DSG UNISA, Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair), and the greetings of the stakeholders, Mr. Michelangelo Pipelnino (Students’ Representative, Member of the Board of Directors, UNISA) and Fiorinda Mirabile (Lawyer, President of the FIDU Committee of Salerno), the Conference will be introduced and chaired by Prof. Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of European Union Law, DSG UNISA, EUVALWEB Chair Holder) and will be animated by the speeches of H.E. Mr. Nelli Feroci (Ambassador, President of the Institute of International Affairs of Rome) and Prof. Ana Nikodinovska Krstevska (Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Associate Professor of European Union Law, University “Goce Delčev” of Štip, North Macedonia).
This will be followed by a debate session on the different aspects of enlargement by DSG UNISA students: Ilaria Merola and Stefano Zecca (Integration), Pavel Blasone and Fabiana Ciullo (Security), Claudia Annunziata and Luisanna Savino (Values), Giorgio Cropano and Niccolò Jacopo Salerno (Democratic Participation), Giulia Sissi Sabatino (Revision of the Treaties), and the Erasmus students Marina Petropoulou and Thomas Rarris (The Greek Experience). It will then be the turn of the reports on the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory by the Young Observers: Francesco Pio Gramaglia, Camilla Tortora, Carlotta Jannone, Giuseppe Landolfi, Federica Manfredini, Rossella Esposito, Francesco Verderame, Roberta Sanges, Tullia Saturno (DSG UNISA students), followed by a session on the results of the second edition of the Jean Monnet EUVALWEB Chair and the conclusions of Prof. Massimo Panebianco (Emeritus Professor of International Law, DSG UNISA).
For further information, please refer to the attached flyer, also in higher definition: LINK

Pictures of the day – 30 May 2024
We would like to express our gratitude to all of you for making the first concluding conference of this EUVALWEB edition such a fruitful and stimulating scientific event.
Convened by the organizing committee of Profs. Teresa Russo, Marina Matić Bošković, Jelena Kostić, Ivana Bodrožić, and Valentina Ranaldi, the event was meant to serve as a forum for discussion and comparison of the steps taken and yet to be taken to bring the legal systems of the accession states into line with the criteria of EU membership.
We sincerely believe the event met its expectations and achieved all its goals.
On May 30, 2024, the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research of Belgrade served as a suitable venue for an intense and serious discussion about the possibility of EU enlargement into the Western Balkans.
Great outcomes resulted from the conference proceedings, which were masterfully opened by the welcome speech of H.E. Luca Gotti, the Italian Ambassador to Serbia, as well as from the speeches of the keynote and guest speakers, and young researchers from the academic and professional world, who animated the various sessions of the conference, enriched by the participation of police trainees and representatives of the public and civil society.
Some pictures of the conference day are available at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.965155238734359&type=3
We also wish to thank the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, the Institute of Comparative Law and the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade for their media coverage of the event:
1) https://www.iksi.ac.rs/galerija_en.html
2) https://iup.rs/en/news/vesti-iz-2024/odrzana-zavrsna-konferencija-u-okviru-jean-monnet-programa/
3) https://www.kpu.edu.rs/cms/akademija/izdvajamo/vesti/9555-odrzana-zavrsna-medjunarodna-konferencija-jeann-monnet-projekta-euvalweb
Conclusively, a publication of the conference proceedings is slated for early 2025.
2nd Conclusive Conference (II Ed.) – 4 June 2024
On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, starting at 9:45 a.m., in Hall 6 DSG UNISA, the 2nd Conclusive Conference of the Jean Monnet EUVALWEB Chair dedicated to “Understanding European Union’s Future through Enlargement” will take place.
After the institutional greetings of the Rector Vincenzo Loia, Prof. Francesco Fasolino (Director of DSG UNISA), Prof. Giuseppe D’Angelo (President of the Didactic Council DSG UNISA) and Prof. Angela Di Stasi (Director of the FSJ Observatory, DSG UNISA, Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair), and the greetings of the stakeholders, Mr. Michelangelo Pipelnino (Students’ Representative, Member of the Board of Directors, UNISA) and Fiorinda Mirabile (Lawyer, President of the FIDU Committee of Salerno), the Conference will be introduced and chaired by Prof. Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of European Union Law, DSG UNISA, EUVALWEB Chair Holder) and will be animated by the speeches of H.E. Mr. Nelli Feroci (Ambassador, President of the Institute of International Affairs of Rome) and Prof. Ana Nikodinovska Krstevska (Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Associate Professor of European Union Law, University “Goce Delčev” of Štip, North Macedonia).
This will be followed by a debate session on the different aspects of enlargement by DSG UNISA students: Ilaria Merola and Stefano Zecca (Integration), Pavel Blasone and Fabiana Ciullo (Security), Claudia Annunziata and Luisanna Savino (Values), Giorgio Cropano and Niccolò Jacopo Salerno (Democratic Participation), Giulia Sissi Sabatino (Revision of the Treaties), and the Erasmus students Marina Petropoulou and Thomas Rarris (The Greek Experience). It will then be the turn of the reports on the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory by the Young Observers: Francesco Pio Gramaglia, Camilla Tortora, Carlotta Jannone, Giuseppe Landolfi, Federica Manfredini, Rossella Esposito, Francesco Verderame, Roberta Sanges, Tullia Saturno (DSG UNISA students), followed by a session on the results of the second edition of the Jean Monnet EUVALWEB Chair and the conclusions of Prof. Massimo Panebianco (Emeritus Professor of International Law, DSG UNISA).
For further information, please refer to the attached flyer, also in higher definition: LINK
Final Conference in Serbia – 30 May 2024
We are very excited because the first concluding conference of the second Jean Monnet EUVALWEB Chair is going to take place. With the participation of distinguished speakers from the academic, diplomatic and professional worlds, as well as civil society and the public, both from Western Balkans and Italy, the conference on “Promoting Public Awareness on the Fight Against Transnational Crimes, the Role of Police and Judicial Cooperation and Respect for Fundamental Rights in the Prospect of the EU Enlargement” intends to provide a forum for the debate on the process of accession to the Union and on the main reforms implemented in the Western Balkan countries, and in the Union in general, for its future.
Link to the full flyer.
Pictures of the day – 23, 24 & 27 May 2024
With the Workshop on May 23 concerning Enlargement and the Future of the European Union: Values, Democratic Dimensions, and European Parliament Elections and the double appointment of the Conference on May 24 (Comparing Perspectives on the Fight Against Corruption under International, European, and National Law) with Professors Svetoslav Spassov, Erjon Hitaj, and Nikola Saranovic and on March 27 (EPPO: Open Questions) with Dr. Lorenzo Salazar, Prof. Luigi Kalb, and Dr. Palmieri, the fourth Module of the EUVALWEB Chair Course is also coming to a fantastic close.
Professor Teresa Russo and Dr. Stefano Busillo and Dr. Emanuele Vannata (EUVLWEB Tutors) appreciated the broad participation, enthusiasm and high scientific quality of the speeches.
Stay tuned as we still have major plans to announce.
Make sure not to miss them!
Pictures of the workshop: LINK
Pictures of the conference: LINK
Pictures of the seminar: LINK
CYCLE OF EVENTS – 24 & 27 MAY 2024
The following events will be held within the Jean Monnet Chair “Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement, EU Values and the Western Balkans’ Accession” (EUVALWEB) (Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Teresa Russo, Associate Professor of EU Law at the Department of Legal Sciences – DSG UNISA). The seminars will be open for discussion with the participants. For further information, please refer to the respective flyers.
24 May 2024
On May 24, 2024, starting at 10:30 a.m., at the “Scarano” Hall, DSG UNISA, will take place the Conference of the EU Legal Clinic Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs: Insights on “Comparing Perspectives on the Fight Against Corruption under International, European and National Law”. The Conference, introduced and chaired by Prof. Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of European Union Law, DSG UNISA, Holder of the EUVALWEB Chair), will be animated by the reports of Prof. Erjon Hitaj (Lecturer in International Law, Director of the Department of Law, “Ismail Qemali” University of Vlore – Albania, Member of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory), Prof. Nikola Šaranović (Lecturer in Public International Law and Fundamentals of European Union Law, Faculty of Legal Sciences and Humanities, University of Donja Gorica, Podgorica – Montenegro, Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair) and Prof. Svetoslav Spassov (Associate and Director of the Nuclear Security Support Center, Department of National and Regional Security, University of National and World Economy, Sofia – Bulgaria)
LINK to the flyer
27 May 2024
On 27 May 2024, starting at 10:30 a.m., the EUVALWEB Chair Course Seminar on “The European Public Prosecutor’s Office: Open Questions (EPPO)£ will take place in Hall 4 of DSG UNISA. The Seminar, also introduced by Prof. Teresa Russo, will be chaired by Prof. Luigi Kalb (Full Professor of Criminal Procedure, DSG UNISA) and will have as its main speaker Dr. Lorenzo Salazar (Deputy General Prosecutor at the Court of Appeal of Naples, Contact Point of the European Judicial Network and National Correspondent of Eurojust, as well as Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair). This will be followed by the scheduled speech of Dr. Luigi Palmieri (Adjunct Professor of Criminal Procedure, DSG UNISA).
LINK to the flyer
Pictures of the day – 10-16 May 2024
The third module of the EUVALWEB Chairs course on “Enlargement and Treaty Revision” has come to its end.
This module was seen as essential to comprehending the Union’s principles of upholding its identity and legal framework and highlighting the role played by Member States and their people.
Because of this, it was inaugurated on May 10, 2024, with the conference “Challenges to the Protection of EU Values between European Parliament Elections and Treaty Reform,” which was organized with the Jean Monnet module “Democracy and the Rule of Law: a New Drive for European Values” (EU-DRAW), under the coordination of Prof. Rossana Palladino. Professors Ivana Bodrožić (University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies Belgrade) and Angela Di Stasi (Director of the Observatory on the European Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice), both members of the EUVALWEB Teaching Staff, were among the speakers.
In relation to the treaty revision and the impending elections in June 2024, the speakers and the audience got the chance to examine and debate some of the key challenges the Union is called upon to face.
Furthermore, on May 16, 2024, trainees discussed how they personally felt about the relationship between treaty reform and EU enlargement in the workshop.
We want to express our gratitude to everyone for their participation and well-valued contributions!
Pictures of the Conference: LINK
Pictures of the Workshop: LINK
Pictures of the day – 6-9 May 2024
We are overjoyed to have finished the second module, “Enlargement as a Policy to Promote Peace and Security in Europe“. Promoting awareness of the latter is especially important, as it is unquestionably one of the most delicate parts of this historic moment for Europe.
Dr. Andrea Cascone’s seminar on May 6, 2024, which explored the intricate process of the Balkan countries’ ongoing accession, and Prof. Ivana Bodrožić’s seminar on May 9, 2024, which helped participants better understand the main security-related issues – particularly those pertaining to the prosecution of transnational crimes – and candidate states’ adaptation to the Union acquis, enhanced this module.
Furthermore, our students took part in a workshop where they were asked to provide their opinions on how the EU promotes peace and security. This is an important component of the EUVALWEB Jean Monnet Chair since it gives participants the freedom to openly share their opinions regarding the questions that will be discussed during our second final conference at Unisa’s Department of Legal Sciences.
Pictures of 6 May: LINK
Pictures of 9 May (Seminar): LINK
Pictures of 9 May (Workshop): LINK
Challenges to EU Values Protection between European Parliament Elections and Treaty Reform – 10 May 2024
On Friday, May 10, 2024, starting at 10:30 a.m. (registration at 10:00 a.m.), the Conference “Challenges to EU Values Protection between European Parliament Elections and Treaty Reform” will take place in the “Nicola Cilento” great hall, jointly organized – on the occasion of Europe Day (May 9) – by the Jean Monnet Chair “Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement Policy, EU Values and the Western Balkans’ Accession” (EUVALWEB) (Coordinator Prof. Teresa Russo) and of the Jean Monnet Module “Democracy and the Rule of Law: A New Push for European Values” (EU-DRAW) (Coordinator Prof. Rossana Palladino).
The Conference, chaired by Prof. Angela Di Stasi (Director of the Observatory on the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice) and introduced by Prof. Teresa Russo and Prof. Rossana Palladino, will be animated by the reports of Prof. Pablo Antonio Fernández-Sánchez (University of Seville) and Prof. Ivana Bodrožić (University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade).
An open-ended Q&A session will enliven the debate.
To register and participate remotely (Microsoft Teams): info@euweb.org; eu-draw@unisa.it.
Pictures of the day – 2-3 May 2024
With great excitement, the first module of the EUVALWEB Chair’s Course, second edition, has finished.
By comprehending the relationship between enlargement and deepening as two distinct expressions of integration, the participating students—both Italian and Erasmus students—deepened their grasp of the history of European integration and its current state.
The students were also requested to provide their personal opinions on the political, legal, and geographical boundaries of the Union’s integration and enlargement process during the workshop intended to wrap up Module 1, including their advantages and disadvantages as well as their sustainability.
Additionally, we are grateful to Leonardo Pasquali, a member of the teaching staff at the EUVALWEB Chair and full professor of international law at the University of Pisa, for his invaluable scientific contribution to the first module with his lecture on “Upholding and Promoting EU Values in International Agreements” and Prof. Francesco Buonomenna, Member of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory and Associate Professor of European Union Law, DSG UNISA, with whom the event is co-organized (Chairs of European Union Law, DSG UNISA, and of Institutions of European Union Law, DISPC UNISA).
Check out the photo galleries:
Workshop, 2 May 2024: LINK
Seminar, 3 May 2024: LINK
Cycle of Seminars – 3, 6 & 9 May 2024
The following will be held within the Jean Monnet Chair “Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement, EU Values and the Western Balkans’ Accession” (EUVALWEB) (Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Teresa Russo, Associate Professor of EU Law at the Department of Legal Sciences – DSG UNISA). The seminars will be open for discussion with the participants. For further information, please refer to the attached flyers.
On Friday, May 3, 2024 at 10.30 a.m., in Hall 6, DSG UNISA, Prof. Leonardo Pasquali, Full Professor of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pisa and Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair will give a lecture on “Upholding and Promoting EU Values in International Agreements”. The event will be introduced by Prof. Teresa Russo and Prof. Francesco Buonomenna, Member of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory and Associate Professor of European Union Law, DSG UNISA, with whom the event is co-organized (Chairs of European Union Law, DSG UNISA, and of Institutions of European Union Law, DISPC UNISA).
Link to the flyer of 3 May 2024
On Monday 6 May 2024, at 10.30 a.m., at the Castellano Hall, DSG UNISA, the Plenipotentiary Minister, Dr. Andrea Cascone, Director of the Adriatic and the Balkans at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), as well as Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair, will discuss “EU-WB6: The State of the Art”, preceded by an introduction by Prof. Teresa Russo.
Link to the flyer of 6 May 2024
Finally, on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. in Hall 2 – DSG UNISA, Prof. Ivana Bodrožić, Associate Professor of Criminal Law and International Criminal Law at the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade (Serbia), and Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair will give a lecture on “Compliance with the Dogmatic Standards of Contemporary Criminal Law and the Prosecution of Transnational Crimes at the EU Level: What Issues?” (“Compliance with the dogmatic standards of contemporary criminal law and the prosecution of transnational crimes at EU level: what are the problems?”). The lecture will be preceded by an introduction by Prof. Teresa Russo.
Link to the flyer of 9 May 2024