The third appointment of our activities was devoted to the scientific developments of the Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB and its EUVALWEB Legal Observatory, as well as the importance of scientific publications in the Italian and Albanian university system.

Prof. Miço, with her experience at the Albanian Ministry of Education, illustrated the right to education in international and European law, explaining the reforms adopted in Albania to adapt to EU standards. She then explained the activities being carried out at EPOKA University in Tirana in professional training also in collaboration with ELSA Albania. The participation of student Chiara Mainenti, both as a Young Observer of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory and as the future President of ELSA Salerno, fostered the discussion on the initiatives to be planned for the second edition of the Jean Monnet EUVALWEB Chair and to involve ELSA Albania and other Balkan countries in our activities.

Prof. Francesco Buonomenna, also in his capacity as Vice-Coordinator of the Italian National University Council, outlined the proposed changes under discussion in the Italian university system. The occasion gave rise to a very fruitful discussion on the recruitment systems for teaching staff in the Italian and Albanian systems and the importance of scientific publications. The participation of Prof. Lucia Di Cintio also enriched the debate with some interesting proposals on the historical reconstruction of the legal institutions of international and European law and on the relationship between citizen and foreigner in the ancient world, highlighting interesting insights into current migration phenomena.

The participation of other members of the Young Observers of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory, and specifically students Ilaria Boccia and Sara Chiariello, responsible for updating the EU Values and Fundamental Rights section of the EUVALWEB Bulletin, made it possible to highlight the contribution of the European Union to the modernisation of the national education system of the Balkan countries.

Prof. Teresa Russo, as Chair Holder of the Chair and Editor in Chief of the online journal EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives, moderated the meeting and outlined the didactic and professional training activities of the first edition of the Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB, which registered excellent results in terms of participation of students, graduates, professionals, civil society and political representatives, with an active role in the involvement of Italian, foreign and Albanian students, in particular. She then recalled the scientific results achieved during the first edition of the Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB, pointing out that these will be summarized in her editorial of the next issue of the online journal EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives currently being published.

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