Entries by Teresa Russo


Pictures – 13 December 2022

The EUVALWEB Chair Holder, Prof. Teresa Russo, together with tutors Dr. Stefano Busillo and Emanuele Vannata, is more than satisfied with the outcome of the workshop “The EU in Its International Institutional Relationship”, held on 13 December 2022 at the University of Salerno. The workshop offered both national and Erasmus students of the International Organisation […]


Being a Woman in Tehran (event of the Observatory on the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice) – 25 November 2022

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and as part of the initiative promoted by the Observatory on the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, some members of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory took part in the seminar “Being a Woman in Tehran. Interdisciplinary legal perspectives in dialogue […]


Pictures – 21 November 2022

We are extremely happy with the outcome of the seminar “EU Law & Democratic Participation: An Academic Outlook” on 21 November 2022, which was held by EUVALWEB Chair Holder Prof. Teresa Russo as well as Prof. Mario Panebianco! In thanking ELSA Salerno once again for the initiative and organisation of the event, it was an […]


EU Law & Democratic Participation: An Academic Outlook – 21 November 2022

Convened by ELSA Salerno, the seminar “EU Law & Democratic Participation: An Academic Outlook” aims to provide attending students with insights into the state of democracy as implemented in EU and national law. This vocational guidance and advanced training event will see the participation of the EUVALWEB Chair Holder, Professor Teresa Russo, for the area […]

EUVALWEB is HERE! – 9 November 2022

We are more than delighted to introduce to you the Jean Monnet Chair “Promoting public awareness of enlargement policy, EU values and the accession of the Western Balkans” (EUVALWEB)! Proud of what has been achieved in the past years, we thought that the Chair would take over the activities and research of the Jean Monnet […]

Critical Issues in the Relationship Between the Rule of Law and EU Enlargement Policy – 27 October 2022

The Seminar of Prof. Teresa Russo (EUVALWEB Chair Holder), entitled “Critical Issues in the Relationship Between the Rule of Law and EU Enlargement Policy“, as part of the course of International Organization at the Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno, represented a starting point for the new Jean Monnet Chair in “Promoting Public Awareness […]

EUWEB Legal Essays No. 3 Call for Submissions – october 2022

EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives is pleased to invite submissions for the upcoming Issue 3, due for publication in January 2023. We do welcome submissions that come within the broader scope of the Journal, particularly, including the external dimension of immigration, the fight against transnational crime, judicial and police cooperation, and the protection […]

Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement Policy, EU Values and the Western Balkans’ Accession (EUVALWEB) – 2023-25

After three years of the Jean Monnet Module “EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs” (EUWEB), we felt like something more could and had to happen… and so it did! Today, it’s with great pleasure and a bit of thrill that we announce that the European Commission selected to co-financing the Jean Monnet Chair […]