As part of the activities of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory, the Jean Monnet Chair convened two distinct seminars on 13 and 14 April 2023, respectively.

Held before the EU Law students of the UNISA Department of Law, both seminar will be introduced by Prof. Teresa Russo, Chair Holder of EUVALWEB.

On 13 April 2023, Jordan Daci – Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law and Human Rights Law, Albanian University of Tirana (Albania) – will address ‘Justiciability of the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights under the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the ECHR‘, therefore illustrating to the students the key aspects of the multi-level system of fundamental rights protection that exists in Europe. (HQ Flyer here:

On 14 April 2023, Lorenzo Salazar – Deputy Public Prosecutor at the District Court of Appeal of Naples, Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair – will analise ‘The Fight Against Corruption in International and European Law‘, giving out precious insights on the functioning of the international and European framework for judicial and police cooperation. (HQ Flyer here: