On 15 December 2022, the University of Oradea (Romania) hosted an International online Conference of Bachelor, Master and PhD Students in Law entitled “Rights and Freedoms to Be Protected in Post-Modern Society“, which involved as co-organizers together with the Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno, several other Universities, that is: Faculty of Law, University of Debrecen (Hungary); Faculty of Law, University of Miskolc (Hungary); Faculty of Law, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine); Department of Law, University of Palermo (Italy); Faculty of Law and Politics, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France); Institute of Legal Studies, University of Rzeszow (Poland); Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Szeged (Hungary).
EUVALWEB participated in the person of its Chair Holder, Professor Teresa Russo, as a member of the Scientific Committee and as one of the moderators of the event. In addition, EUVALWEB tutors were selected to participate in the conference as speakers.
Respectively, PhD student Stefano Busillo took part in Session I “Human Rights in the Context of War Menace”, with his presentation “Protecting the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict: A Look at the Principles of the ILC Draft” and PhD student Emanuele Vannata participated in Session III “Human Rights and New Technologies. Opportunity or Threat?”, with his presentation “Digital Authoritarianism, Freedom of Expression and Mass Surveillance in the Digital Age. The Case of Iran‘.
Thanks to the coordination of Prof. Russo and the support of the two tutors, the work of Elisabetta Lambiase, a recent graduate from the Department of Legal Sciences at the University of Salerno, was also selected for the Call, discussing in Session III a presentation entitled “EU Border Control Mechanisms: Protection or Violation of Human Rights?”.
This allows us to broaden the cultural dialogue and provide opportunities for personal and professional training and growth to the youngest.
We would like to thank all our partners of this amazing scientific initiative for the excellent results achieved.

Sponsorship by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Italy) – 12 January 2023
We are honoured for the sponsorship of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to the activities of EUVALWEB.
From now on, the Ministry’s official logo will be proudly displayed on our dissemination materials.
The EUVALWEB Chair, Professor Teresa Russo, and our staff feel grateful for this important support, expressing gratitude to the Ministry for such a show of trust.
2023 DRAFT PROGRAMMES AVAILABLE – 22 December 2022
The Jean Monnet EUVALWEB Chair is thrilled to present the draft programme of its Chair Course and Law Clinic that will start in March 2023.
These include information regarding the programme, objectives, teaching, target audience, outcomes and more.
Draft programmes are available on our Home Page in both English and Italian.
All the activities of the Chair are free of charge and to register simply fill in the registration forms at the Course Chair and/or Law Clinic on our website.
Check out the programmes and sign up now!
Rights and Freedoms to Be Protected in Post-Modern Society (Conference convened by University of Oradea, Romania) – 15 December 2022
On 15 December 2022, the University of Oradea (Romania) hosted an International online Conference of Bachelor, Master and PhD Students in Law entitled “Rights and Freedoms to Be Protected in Post-Modern Society“, which involved as co-organizers together with the Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno, several other Universities, that is: Faculty of Law, University of Debrecen (Hungary); Faculty of Law, University of Miskolc (Hungary); Faculty of Law, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine); Department of Law, University of Palermo (Italy); Faculty of Law and Politics, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France); Institute of Legal Studies, University of Rzeszow (Poland); Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Szeged (Hungary).
EUVALWEB participated in the person of its Chair Holder, Professor Teresa Russo, as a member of the Scientific Committee and as one of the moderators of the event. In addition, EUVALWEB tutors were selected to participate in the conference as speakers.
Respectively, PhD student Stefano Busillo took part in Session I “Human Rights in the Context of War Menace”, with his presentation “Protecting the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict: A Look at the Principles of the ILC Draft” and PhD student Emanuele Vannata participated in Session III “Human Rights and New Technologies. Opportunity or Threat?”, with his presentation “Digital Authoritarianism, Freedom of Expression and Mass Surveillance in the Digital Age. The Case of Iran‘.
Thanks to the coordination of Prof. Russo and the support of the two tutors, the work of Elisabetta Lambiase, a recent graduate from the Department of Legal Sciences at the University of Salerno, was also selected for the Call, discussing in Session III a presentation entitled “EU Border Control Mechanisms: Protection or Violation of Human Rights?”.
This allows us to broaden the cultural dialogue and provide opportunities for personal and professional training and growth to the youngest.
We would like to thank all our partners of this amazing scientific initiative for the excellent results achieved.
Following the recommendation of the European Commission, the European Council yesterday granted candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
EUVALWEB believes that this is exceptionally positive news for bringing the Western Balkans closer to the Union.
For years we have been engaged, through educational and scientific research activities with several universities in the area, in studying the EU enlargement process to the Western Balkans.
We strongly believe in it and we are committed to cultural dialogue, the real engine of European integration.
Pictures – 13 December 2022
The EUVALWEB Chair Holder, Prof. Teresa Russo, together with tutors Dr. Stefano Busillo and Emanuele Vannata, is more than satisfied with the outcome of the workshop “The EU in Its International Institutional Relationship”, held on 13 December 2022 at the University of Salerno.
The workshop offered both national and Erasmus students of the International Organisation course (DSG UNISA) the opportunity to present their work on the relations of their chosen international organisation with the EU.
We believe that the response of the students was amazing, as they showed initiative and resourcefulness to carry out the assigned task correctly!
Thanking the students involved, as well as the audience present yesterday, we plan to organise more workshops in the future! Stay tuned
Link to the event’s pictures: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=euvalweb&set=a.642950177621535
Workshop ‘The EU in Its International Institutional Relationships’ – 13 December 2022
EUVALWEB presents its first workshop, convened for 13 December 2022 at the University of Salerno, Aula ‘Volterra’, 10:30 AM.
Workshops are a key activity of the EUVALWEB chair, being a critical testing ground for students, as well as a tangible result of the knowledge they have acquired.
Following the training activities carried out as part of the International Organisation course of the Department of Legal Sciences (UNISA) and under the coordination of the EUVALWEB Chair Holder, Prof. Teresa Russo, the students will be called upon, in their scientific investigation, to outline the relationship between some international organisations and bodies and the European Union.
Higher Resolution Flyer: HERE
Being a Woman in Tehran (event of the Observatory on the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice) – 25 November 2022
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and as part of the initiative promoted by the Observatory on the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, some members of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory took part in the seminar “Being a Woman in Tehran. Interdisciplinary legal perspectives in dialogue with students.”
The topic falls within the fields of investigation of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory both in the area of promotion and protection of human rights and with reference to issues of socio-economic integration in EU member states.
The speech of the Chair Holder, Prof. Teresa Russo (“The use of the Islamic headscarf and discrimination in the workplace: the risks of the policy of so-called neutrality“) focused on discrimination in the workplace and the difficult balance in the protection of rights, as reflected in the case law of the Court of Justice.
Pictures – 21 November 2022
We are extremely happy with the outcome of the seminar “EU Law & Democratic Participation: An Academic Outlook” on 21 November 2022, which was held by EUVALWEB Chair Holder Prof. Teresa Russo as well as Prof. Mario Panebianco!
In thanking ELSA Salerno once again for the initiative and organisation of the event, it was an opportunity to explain to first-year law students the democratic participation in the EU legal order.
Pictures of the seminar day are available at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.628080802441806&type=3
Furthermore, Prof. Teresa Russo explained how to write a scientific essay. All participating students were, in fact, invited to submit a short paper on the topic of democratic participation at national and European level. The best article will be published in the online legal information Journal “Altalex” as OER.
This is part of the training activities of both the EUVALWEB Chair and Legal Observatory.
EU Law & Democratic Participation: An Academic Outlook – 21 November 2022
Convened by ELSA Salerno, the seminar “EU Law & Democratic Participation: An Academic Outlook” aims to provide attending students with insights into the state of democracy as implemented in EU and national law.
This vocational guidance and advanced training event will see the participation of the EUVALWEB Chair Holder, Professor Teresa Russo, for the area of EU Law; as well as Professor Mario Panebianco, who will focus on Constitutional Law, thus supporting the multidisciplinary approach that has always characterised the EUWEB JM Module over the years and, now, EUVALWEB JM Chair.
See you on 21 November 2022, h. 12:30 p.m. at the University of Salerno, Department of Legal Sciences, Hall 2!
Higher resolution flyer: https://euvalweb.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Locandina-Seminario_EUVALWEB_21.11.2022.pdf
EUVALWEB is HERE! – 9 November 2022
We are more than delighted to introduce to you the Jean Monnet Chair “Promoting public awareness of enlargement policy, EU values and the accession of the Western Balkans” (EUVALWEB)!
Proud of what has been achieved in the past years, we thought that the Chair would take over the activities and research of the Jean Monnet Module EUWEB, while expanding the topics covered and always ensuring a multidisciplinary approach.
In fact, the Chair focuses on the evolution of the EU enlargement policy and its implications in the construction of the EU identity based on its founding values, as well as on the EU strategy towards the Western Balkans, particularly in the field of cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs (JHA).
EUVALWEB activities will be organised in a main course on Enlargement Policy, EU values and Integration of the Western Balkans; a law clinic on EU Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs and a cycle of two international conferences.
Be sure to take note, you don’t want to miss them!
#EUVALWEB #Eu #WesternBalkans #EUValues