On Friday 24 March 2023, starting at 2:30 p.m., in Hall 3 of the Department of Legal Sciences, the second Conference of the EUVALWEB Law Clinic dedicated to Cross-Border Security: What News from the EU Migration and Asylum Proposals? will be held.
The Conference, chaired and concluded by Prof. Stefano Amadeo (Full Professor of European Union Law, University of Trieste), will open with an introduction by Prof. Teresa Russo, EUVALWEB Chair Holder, followed by the presentations of Prof. Ana Nikodinovska Krstevska (Associate Professor of European Union Law, “Goce Delčev” University of Štip, North Macedonia and Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair), Dr. Maria Adelaide Massimi (Project Officer for ASGI), Prof. Rossana Palladino (Associate Professor of European Union Law, DSG UNISA, and Member of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory), Dr. Giuliana Postiglione (Deputy Commissioner of the State Police, Head of the Immigration Office of the Salerno Police Headquarters).
A question-and-answer session will animate the final debate.
The Conference is accredited by the Salerno Bar Association Council for the recognition of professional credits and it will be possible to participate both in presence and remotely (Microsoft Teams platform).
To register and participate: info@euweb.org. For further information on the titles of the speeches, see the attached flyer, also in higher resolution: https://euvalweb.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/EUVALWEB-Locandina-Conferenza-24-3-2023-UPDATED.pdf

EUVALWEB Legal Observatory Seminars – 13-14 April 2023
As part of the activities of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory, the Jean Monnet Chair convened two distinct seminars on 13 and 14 April 2023, respectively.
Held before the EU Law students of the UNISA Department of Law, both seminar will be introduced by Prof. Teresa Russo, Chair Holder of EUVALWEB.
On 13 April 2023, Jordan Daci – Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law and Human Rights Law, Albanian University of Tirana (Albania) – will address ‘Justiciability of the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights under the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the ECHR‘, therefore illustrating to the students the key aspects of the multi-level system of fundamental rights protection that exists in Europe. (HQ Flyer here: http://euvalweb.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/EUVALWEB-Locandina-Seminario-Daci-13-4-2023.pdf)
On 14 April 2023, Lorenzo Salazar – Deputy Public Prosecutor at the District Court of Appeal of Naples, Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair – will analise ‘The Fight Against Corruption in International and European Law‘, giving out precious insights on the functioning of the international and European framework for judicial and police cooperation. (HQ Flyer here: http://euvalweb.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/EUVALWEB-Locandina-Seminario-Salazar-14-4-2023.pdf)
The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the Framework of Mutual Recognition Instruments and the Activities of EU Bodies in Criminal Matters – 14 April 2023
On Friday 14 April 2023, starting at 2:30 P.M., at Hall 3 of the Department of Legal Sciences, the fourth Conference of EUVALWEB Law Clinic dedicated to The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the Framework of Mutual Recognition Instruments and the Activities of EU Bodies in Criminal Matters will be held.
The meeting will be chaired and concluded by Prof. Luigi Kalb (Full Professor of Criminal Procedure, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno) and will open with the introductory speech of Prof. Teresa Russo, EUVALWEB Chair Holder. This will be followed by the speeches of Dr. Lorenzo Salazar (Deputy Public Prosecutor at the District Court of Appeal of Naples, Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair), Prof. Jordan Daci (Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law and Human Rights Law, Albanian University of Tirana, Albania) and Dr. Valeria Sico (European Public Prosecutor Delegate (EPPO) at the District Prosecutor’s Office of Naples).
A Q&A open session will animate the debate.
For further information on the titles of the lectures, please refer to the flyer, also available in higher resolution at: http://euvalweb.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/EUVALWEB-Locandina-Conferenza-14-4-2023.pdf
The Conference is accredited by the Salerno Bar Association for the granting of professional credits and it will be possible to attend both in presence and remotely (Teams platform).
To register and participate: https://euvalweb.euweb.org/ & info@euweb.org
Pictures – 31 March 2023
On 31 March 2023 – day of the Conference on ‘EU Cooperation on Justice: A Focus on the Role of Lawyer and Deontological Rules’, EUVALWEB’s Law Clinic went on discussing the exercise of the profession of lawyer under the deontological, technical and legislative perspectives.
First and foremost, we would like to expressly thank our speakers for their invaluable efforts and precious knowledge-sharing showed during the event!
Secondly, along with the biographies of the speakers, a description of the content of the speeches brought to your attention during the Conference day is available at the link: http://euvalweb.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/EUVALWEB-Bios-Abstracts-31-3-2023.pdf
An album full of pictures of the Conference day is now available on EUVALWEB’s Facebook account, at the link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.717080180208534&type=3
Module 4 of the Chair Course concluded – 31 March 2023
We have also come to the great end of Module 4 of the EUVALWEB Chair Course.
The participants understood the process of affirming the values of the Union through the actions of the Union’s institutions and through the enlargement to States that have difficulties respecting and promoting them. They comprehended the protection mechanisms that have been put in place, as well as the decisions of the Court of Justice in this regard. They furthermore studied the status of European citizenship, the rights associated with it as well as the related benefits.
The concluding Workshop enabled the students to express their views and share their expectations as citizens of the Union and future citizens for Albanian students. A great job indeed!
An album full of pictures of the Module is available at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.716452896937929&type=3
Congratulations to all!
EU Cooperation on Justice: A Focus on the Role of Lawyer and Deontological Rules – 31 March 2023
On Friday 31 March 2023, starting at 2:30 P.M., at Hall 3 of the Department of Legal Sciences, UNISA, the third Conference of EUVALWEB Law Clinic dedicated to “EU Cooperation on Justice: A Focus on the Role of Lawyer and Deontological Rules” will be held.
The Conference, chaired and introduced by Prof. Teresa Russo, EUVALWEB Chair Holder, will start with the welcoming speeches of Prof. Francesco Fasolino (President of the Didactic Council of the Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno) and by Lawyer Gaetano Paolino (President of the Salerno Bar Association Council). This will be followed by the speeches of Prof. Adriano Maffeo (Associate Professor of EU Law, Department of Law, University “Federico II” of Naples), by Lawyer Francesco Mazzei (Former Secretary of the Salerno District Disciplinary Council), by Prof. Gaspare Dalia (Lecturer of Comparative Criminal Procedural Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno, and Member of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory), by Lawyer Luigi Palmieri (PhD in Criminal Procedure, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno).
A Q&A open session will animate the debate.
The Conference is accredited by the Salerno Bar Association Council for the recognition of professional credits and it will be possible to participate both in presence and remotely (Microsoft Teams platform).
To register and participate: info@euweb.org. For further information on the titles of the speeches, please see the following flyer: http://euvalweb.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/EUVALWEB-Locandina-Conferenza-31-3-2023.pdf
Pictures – 24 March 2023
On 24 March 2022, the second EUVALWEB Law Clinic Conference concerning ‘Cross-Border Security: What’s New from the EU Proposals on Migration and Asylum?’, took place at the University of Salerno.
Our key guests and speakers took the floor to share their knowledge and opinions on the critical issues emerging from the migration and asylum legal framework, by stressing issues found in the daily practice too.
An extended open Q&A session, with a debate fueled by the curiosity of both participants and speakers ended the event in a very satisfying way.
For these reasons, we would like to openly show our appreciation towards our speakers and audience!
The pictures of the day are available at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.713280947255124&type=3
The third module of the EUVALWEB Chair Course also came to a close with a series of stimulating initiatives. The participants studied the evolution undergone by the membership criteria, the characteristics, role and functions of institutions such as the European Council and the Council of the Union.
Then, they met with Professor Ana Nikodinovska, who explained the reasons for the Greek and Bulgarian objections to North Macedonian membership and outlined the history of the Western Balkans. This is an invaluable contribution to the study of the history and tradition of the accession countries.
In addition, they worked on a Workshop, again with the participation of Prof. Nikodinovska, in which they deepened Agenda 2000 and the accession negotiations by answering open questions and proposing questions.
The pictures of the Seminar and Workshop are available here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.712656733984212&type=3
Finally, they participated in the presentation of the book by Fabio Spitaleri and Stefano Amadeo, “The Immigration and Asylum Law of the European Union“, asking a series of questions to the two authors present.
The pictures of the book presentation are available here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=euvalweb&set=a.712658273984058
Congratulations to all for the excellent work!
The ‘Macedonian Issue’ and the Difficult Path Towards the European Union: Let’s Try Together to Understand Why – 23 March 2023
See you tomorrow, Thursday 23 March 2023 at 10:30 in Hall 5 of the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Salerno, for the seminar “The ‘Macedonian Issue’ and the Difficult Path Towards the European Union: Let’s Try Together to Understand Why“.
Introduced by the EUVALWEB Chair Holder Prof. Teresa Russo, the seminar will have as main speaker Prof. Ana Nikodinovska Krstevska from the University ‘Goce Delčev’ of Štip (North Macedonia) and Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair, as well as a long-term appreciated partner of the scientific activities carried out at the University of Salerno.
Cross-Border Security: What News from the EU Migration and Asylum Proposals? – 24 March 2023
On Friday 24 March 2023, starting at 2:30 p.m., in Hall 3 of the Department of Legal Sciences, the second Conference of the EUVALWEB Law Clinic dedicated to Cross-Border Security: What News from the EU Migration and Asylum Proposals? will be held.
The Conference, chaired and concluded by Prof. Stefano Amadeo (Full Professor of European Union Law, University of Trieste), will open with an introduction by Prof. Teresa Russo, EUVALWEB Chair Holder, followed by the presentations of Prof. Ana Nikodinovska Krstevska (Associate Professor of European Union Law, “Goce Delčev” University of Štip, North Macedonia and Member of the EUVALWEB Team Chair), Dr. Maria Adelaide Massimi (Project Officer for ASGI), Prof. Rossana Palladino (Associate Professor of European Union Law, DSG UNISA, and Member of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory), Dr. Giuliana Postiglione (Deputy Commissioner of the State Police, Head of the Immigration Office of the Salerno Police Headquarters).
A question-and-answer session will animate the final debate.
The Conference is accredited by the Salerno Bar Association Council for the recognition of professional credits and it will be possible to participate both in presence and remotely (Microsoft Teams platform).
To register and participate: info@euweb.org. For further information on the titles of the speeches, see the attached flyer, also in higher resolution: https://euvalweb.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/EUVALWEB-Locandina-Conferenza-24-3-2023-UPDATED.pdf
Module 2 of the Chair Course Concluded – 16 March 2023
Module 2 of the EUVALWEB Chair Course was successfully concluded. The aim of the Module was to acquaint the students with the functions, objectives and stages of the European Union’s enlargement policy. In this direction, the participation of Prof. Erjon Hitaj (Lecturer of International Law, Head of Department of Law, University ‘Ismail Qemali’ of Vlöre, Member of the EUVALWEB Legal Observatory), both in the Chair Course and in the Workshop, was of paramount importance in making the students understand the problems of the Albanian State, but also its enormous efforts towards the process of adapting to the criteria of membership.
In its final lecture, students were asked to conduct a workshop in which they shared their thoughts on the EU in the first place. In addition, they were asked to test their understanding of the topics covered by comparing the enlargement processes and the effects on the different member states.
The final objective was to stimulate the proposal of questions to be presented at the closing conference at the end of May.
See the pictures of the day at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=euvalweb&set=a.708914557691763